Friday, December 14, 2007

The Selph's Incredible Day at Gettysberg
On Sunday we started our drive home from D.C. but stopped in Gettysburg . This was a planned stop and had books with information about what had happened in this little spot and why it is so significant. On our drive there we read about it and gave some interesting facts and statistics about the area we were going to see so that the kids would understand what we were going to see today. It was a beautiful day and a wonderful, spiritual experience to drive and walk through this spot and try to visualize and get a feel for what really happened in this spot. It left me with a deep graditude for those men and a renewed respect and graditude for our soldiers today.

I don't know if this little hold would have been there two hundred years ago, but it gave my kids an idea of what the soldiers would or could build with the rocks around them to help protect themselves from enemy fire.

We took a walk up this hill to the very top. It was so peaceful and beautiful but we talked about how soldiers were having to hide everywhere to ty to stay alive. The air is almost alive with what happened there more than two hundred years ago.

Next to Duncan on this rock was a perfect hole that had to be a bullet hole.

We sat up on these large boulders, where the northern soldiers hid behind fighting for thier lives and talked about our country and what happened here. We talked about how many men died here in those 3 days and tried to have our children really have a feeling of what the land would have looked like covered with bodies of soldiers fighting a war that has led our country to be a United States of America. I was very overwhelmed with graditude to these men who gave thier lives so long ago. It was a very spiritual experience for our family and I hope an educational and memorable day for our children.

This was the view from the top of the hill where the Northern soldiers were holed up. The view is breathtaking and the undestanding of what happened here is almost overwhelming. What an incredible place.

A battlement that overlooks where a major part of the fighting took place. You look out over the field where the "South" was coming up the hill. From here you can see bullet holes in rocks and huge boulders that show where cannon fire was taken.


corinne said...

what a cool trip, and what good parents these kiddos have! And what a great job you are doing blogging!

Karen said...

yahoo!!! i love it i love it i love it. what great pix--we're so glad you came and we had just as much fun as you did. hope you've got the cherry blossoms on your calendar!!!! love you :o)
and i'm thoroughly enjoying my trader joes mints--thank you sweet friend!