Wednesday, January 28, 2009

January Snow...I'd rather be in Cancun

This is the view outside my front and back of my house right now. Here is our annual "Big" storm we get every year or every other year that shuts our city down. You can't see it in these pictures for some reason, but it is snowing quite hard. This storm started last night with ice. Underneath all this is about and inch or even two of solid ice. Now it has started to snow on top of that. It has been snowing for about two hours and we are suppose to have 8-10 more hours. So we are holed up in our home, no school and nowhere to go. Of course Theran went to is too much work to stay home. It is quieter at the office and he doesn't have to do as much. I'll give you the after shot once it stops snowing in a few hours. This is suppose to be a big one!


Sharlynn said...

Are you surviving? Did everyone make it home okay? that is not fun. I hope all is well. Good luck to the closed in life.

Tiffany E. said...

Hi Janine. Soo pretty. But it reminds me how much I love Arizona ... well, except for June, July and August. It's fun to peek in on your family. Your AZ cousin, Tiffany

Unknown said...

I love all of the open land that you have! It looks so beautiful and woodsy. You might want to disable Theran's jeep, so he can stay home and help you! Na